Cyber Insurance facts

What You Need to Know

These facts emphasize the dynamic nature of the cyber insurance market and the pressing need for a robust risk assessment and underwriting solution


Growth in the Global Cyber Insurance Market over the last 5 years.


Average increase in U.S. Cyber Insurance pricing in Q1 2023.


Top Cyber Insurers in 2021 operated with high Loss Ratios.

Risk assessment

Translate Cyber Risk to Business Impact

Scan your prospects' applications and find the exposures so you have a clear, comprehensive view of potential risks.

Cyber Insurance reports

Ensure Your Portfolio Is Secure

Commercial Report

The Commercial Report is the ultimate tool for cybersecurity experts and developers who need to get into the technical details of vulnerabilities. This is perfect for uncovering the risks and solving them quickly.

Executive Report - Coming Soon !

Designed for decision-makers (e.g., CISO), our Executive Report template distills the complexity of your vulnerability scans into a high-level overview, with an action plan with prioritizing tasks and showing your risk score.

Client Testimonial

How Cyber Insurance Leaders
use VScanner

"VScanner allows us to deliver effective cyber risk loss control to both the insurance policyholder and our cyber underwriting partners, mitigating the most common harmful threats."

Mark Greisiger


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